Readings and Homily for Easter Sunday 12/04/2020
Easter Day in the Resurrection of the Lord.
Fr Paul – Homily
It was very early on the first day of the week when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. We come this Easter morning perhaps feeling that it is still dark. The life we now live with the temporary measures in place may leave us feeling we are in a dark place. I have certainly felt that on occasions but it is when i look around and see the sacrifices made by others, the risks and fears the sadness and despair, other places in the world seemingly so much worse off than we are, the kindness and generosity of others lift some of that darkness like the realisation dawning on Jesus first disciples when they realised that their darkness was giving to light.
Traditionally on Easter Eve the Church celebrates this passing from darkness to light in the moving and beautiful liturgy of the Easter Vigil ceremonies and Mass beginning with the Easter fire and lighting of the Easter candle. With our churches closed we are not able to do that but when this darkness has passed and we are in the light on our first Sunday back in our Churches we will light that candle and enter together knowing that when this crisis is passed.
There will still be challenges and fears to face but the light of that candle will symbolise for us the hope which comes to us at Easter in proclaiming that Jesus Christ lives not just in churches but in the hearts and lives of those who may not have seen but still believe.
So on this Easter Day the message still rings out from the Christian community that Jesus Christ is Risen and that through him the way is open for new life in him – it transforms the deserts of our lives, brings light where there has been darkness and leads us into the experience of meeting the Risen Christ and secures our future in God.
The theologian John S Whale wrote ” the gospels do not explain the resurrection; the resurrection explains the Gospels and belief in the resurrection is not an appendage to the Christian faith – it is the Christian faith”.
I wish you all a happy and joyous Easter in the hope of good things to come.
May God bless and keep us all.